If your transmission isn’t shifting correctly, you’ll want to be careful about how you choose to proceed. The best thing to do is turn the vehicle off and have a professional take a look at it, but if that isn’t an option, there are some steps you can take to ensure nothing gets damaged. At Kermit’s Certified Transmission & Auto in Kingman, AZ we can take a look at your issues and also give you some tips on what to do when that option isn't available yet.
For obvious reasons, air brakes are an essential part of your rig. They also add a level of complication to the braking system that a conventional vehicle doesn’t have. At Kermit’s Certified Transmission & Auto in Kingman, our mechanics have the knowledge, equipment, and ability necessary to keep your air brakes in top shape.
Auxiliary transmission coolers are one of many ways the aftermarket can improve the quality and durability of your vehicle. From Kermit’s Certified Transmission & Auto in Kingman, AZ, here’s some information concerning auxiliary coolers, why you might need one, and what it can do for you.
At Kermit’s Certified Transmission & Auto in Kingman, we know that in order to keep your car in good shape, it helps to know how it works. Here’s a quick rundown of a system that’s very important, but you take for granted until there’s a problem; your brakes.
These days, many four-wheel-drive systems are electronically controlled - a button is pushed to engage four-wheel-drive, which activates a solenoid in the transfer case, shifting it into gear. What happens when yours stops working? Kermit’s Certified Transmission & Auto in Kingman, AZ has the answers.
We know you’re busy. At Kermit’s Certified Transmission & Auto in Kingman, AZ, we also know that while there are certain issues with your car, truck, or SUV you can ignore for a while, some of them shouldn’t wait. While serious issues are often obvious, sometimes they aren’t - ball joints are one such case.
Leaky transmissions can be a pain. Not only do they make a mess on the underside of your car, and in your driveway, but the transmission fluid is expensive and inconvenient to deal with. At from Kermit’s Certified Transmission & Auto in Kingman, AZ we want you to be an informed driver so here’s some information about where transmission leaks start, and how to end them.
Whether you drive a Chevy, Ram, or Ford diesel pickup, your truck is a quality engineered machine. At Kermit’s Certified Transmission & Auto in Kingman, AZ, we honor that quality - not only in our service, but in the parts, we provide as well.