Diesel engines are known for their reliability - that’s probably at least partially why you bought one. However, like all things, diesels and their components wear out eventually. Fortunately, the technicians at Kermit’s Certified Transmission & Auto in Kingman, AZ have you covered. Here are some fuel system issues to watch out for.
Now that you’ve got an idea of the components that make up a diesel system, and what they do, understanding how the system works in a more cohesive way isn’t difficult. At Kermit’s Certified Transmission & Auto in Kingman we understand what’s going on in your fuel system while your diesel engine is running.
Good diesel technicians and shops that service diesel engines are hard to come by. At Kermit’s Certified Transmission & Auto in Kingman, AZ, diesels are our specialty. There are many reasons to have diesel truck maintenance performed by diesel specialists - here are just a few.
When it comes to installing new tires on your Dodge, Chevy, or Ford diesel pickup, you want it done right the first time. Our technicians have the equipment necessary to get you cruising smoothly down the road in no time.
There are a wide variety of tires available for your diesel truck, no matter what sort of pickup you drive. The climate, the terrain you drive on, and how you drive will determine which tire is best for you. Here’s a short list of common truck tire types.
At Kermit’s Certified Transmission & Auto in Kingman, AZ, we understand that no matter how well something is maintained, everything breaks eventually. Fortunately, our team of expert mechanics can repair just about anything, saving your business a lot of money in the process.
Whether you drive a Ram, Chevy, or Ford diesel pickup, our expert technicians have the know-how you need - from trivia to engine rebuilds, we’ve got you covered.
Increasingly, technology in automobiles is becoming more sophisticated, and more and more systems have become reliant on electronic control modules to operate. At Kermit’s Certified Transmission & Auto in Kingman, AZ, we have the trained technicians and the equipment necessary to deal with issues that arise as a result of these components.
The engine in your Chevrolet, Dodge, or Ford diesel pickup is the heart and soul of your truck. At Kermit’s Certified Transmission & Auto in Kingman, AZ, we repair, rebuild, and replace engines with quality parts and builds, keeping your truck on the road for years to come.
We know how important a good exhaust setup is on a diesel truck. Whether you’re powered by a Cummins, a Duramax, a Powerstroke, or something else, your exhaust plays a major role in performance, engine sound, and even aesthetics. At Kermit’s Certified Transmission & Auto in Kingman, AZ, our professional mechanics have the equipment, knowledge, and ability necessary to get your exhaust in shape.
At Kermit’s Certified Transmission & Auto in Kingman, AZ, maintaining your fleet and keeping your business reliably on the road is our primary focus. As trucks wear out, and they always do, you will inevitably be faced with this dilemma - “Should I fix this truck, or replace it with a new one?” This isn’t always an easy question to answer. As your fleet specialists, our team here at Kermit’s Certified Transmission & Auto is here to help you decide.
Is your diesel having issues starting up? Do you hear a knocking noise? Is there blue colored smoke coming from your engine? Don't ingore the signs, those could all be signs of engine failure. One of the leading issues that lead to diesel engine failure is fuel contamination. Fuel contamination comes in different forms, but always has the same result - engine trouble and fuel system failures. Here’s what you need to know about fuel contamination with diesel trucks, from Kermit’s Certified Transmission & Auto in Kingman, AZ.
The fuel system is an integral aspect of any combustion engine, but it’s particularly important on diesel trucks. Your Ford, Dodge, or Chevrolet pickup requires a perfectly functioning fuel system, devoid of buildup, leaks, and debris, to provide you with the most powerful and efficient engine performance possible. At Kermit’s Certified Transmission & Auto in Kingman, we understand that fuel system flushing is an essential process in maintaining a properly functioning engine.
Performance chip installation is one of the perks of diesel truck ownership. At Kermit’s Certified Transmission & Auto in Kingman, AZ, our mechanics can professionally tune and install a chip for any application, whether you drive a Cummins, Powerstroke, Duramax, or otherwise.
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